This scene was totally irresitable! I waited until the sun light crested the mountain, back-lighting the trees. They glow like the sun. What a wonderful location to spend a holiday!
Cushman Lake
I took this imaga in the afternoon, spending quite a bit of time enjoying the experience. The next day I returned to do it again because there were clouds in the sky. Sadly, the trees lost their leaves that night, so the moment was lost! Never pass up a good scene, now may be the only moment.
Fall Road Trip
Fall Reflections
Aspen Path
Mt Wilson
Evening Sunburst
Coming Soon to an Aspen Forest Near You!
Windmill Sunset
When the sun goes down lighting up the sky in hues of scarlet, I look for an interesting place to photograph. Last night I was out on the Eastern Planes of Colorado when off in the distance I saw this windmill. I drove toward it. When I got within range, I hopped out of the car and began clicking the shutter. I took a few pics, jumped back in my car and drove up the road to turn around. On the return trip, I spotted a man with his dog standing in the driveway. I gave him a cheerful wave while noticing his dog was on an alert, good thing I was still in the car! Fast forward to this morning. While processing this photo, I could see the outline of the man standing in the dark area near the windmill. I had no idea he was there when I was taking this picture! Now I feel really silly and a little embarrassed! I wonder what he thought I was doing!