Not many people know Denver has a Navy. Now you do.
The Best Laid Plans
I first spotted this scene when the water was perfectly calm and peaceful. It was reflecting the pavillion in a lovely inverse.
As I walked up getting ready to capture the image, a couple with a loaf of bread also approached.
You know the rest of the story. Bread and ducks make waves. Waves mess up the calm and peaceful reflection.
Oh well.
Maybe next time.
Sundown at the Pavillion
I love the magical light that comes just before the sun falls over the horizon. The light doesn’t linger long enough at the end of day. Maybe that’s why it’s special, scarcity makes it so.
Shadows and Light
On a winter afternoon the shadows and light also means the difference between warm and cold. The last rays of sunlight warm a body, but soon the cold sets in.
Winter is Coming
No kidding! When traveling Trail Ridge Road anytime of year, winter is coming!
I once rode over this trail on my bike with a group of people. Two young ladies in the group were from Texas. On top of the mountain I watched them use duck tape to secure plastic shopping bags to their very cold, red, sore bare legs.
These Texans couldn’t get over how cold it was in June.
“Honey” I wanted to say, “you are standing at 14,000 feet above altitude. It’s never summer here.”
Elk Just Want to Have Fun!
The Elk Herds in Rocky Mountain National Park draw visitors from all over the world. As a locals, we are so lucky to have this wonderful place practically in our back yard.
This Bull stopped traffic and created a wonderful photographic opportunity for many. I didn’t realize he was mocking me with his tongue until I got home and was viewing the photos.
Fresh guy!
Forest Floor
Colorado tends to have less varieties of trees than the North Eastern U.S. This means less variety in color come fall. But color comes from vegetation other than just trees. Look to the floor of this Aspen forest for an example of the fabulous color found in Colorado autumn.
The Bittersweet End of Summer
As a kid I remember feeling both sad and excited about the end of summer. The excitement came from the pride of knowing I would soon start a new grade in school. The sadness came from knowing there would be no more days at the beach.
Denver kids probably feel much the same way. Only instead of a beach their city pools close.
A Stroll in The Park
The ritual of the sunset is practiced all over the world. I first noticed it on a trip to Key West, where at sun down the west end of Key West comes alive with buskers entertaining the tourists. We all watch the progress of the sun setting, when it was done applause ensued. A well earned applause it was.
Denver has many locations to watch this ritual. The front steps of the Natural History Museum are a popular place. I find I could sit there for most of the day, never moving just watching the show of clouds against the mountains and people strolling by.